I Messed Up Today

I was supposed to do a lot of things today.

Big, important tasks.

But my mind wasn't on board and I unconsciously did a lot of little tasks to avoid the hairy scary ones.

I meal prepped lunches for the week, made a batch of posole for a friend, listened to a training, washed dishes... everything but what I was supposed to do.

My mind wants me to beat myself up.

It's telling me, how could I ever expect myself to hit my goals if I'm avoiding tasks that are minor in comparison to my grand visions.

If you're ever in this position:

1) Your brain is normal and working as it should

2) Being aware of your unconscious behavior is a major accomplishment in itself, so props to you

3) These days will happen again, count on it.

Count on not wanting to do what you've planned. Notice the resistance to the task, take a deep breath, remember why you're doing this, and get started while you still feel crappy.

Getting started is the hardest part and 5 minutes in, you'll feel a lot better. Promise.

It does matter that you messed up today.

What matters are actions you take once you realize what went wrong.

Tomorrow’s a fresh start, bring it on.

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